ACI Sporting Commission met this afternoon in video-conference following the dispositions of the latest Decree-Law and guidelines of the Cabinet – Sports Office to restart training. The Commission discussed and approved operational procedures and sanitary protocols to restart testing. These Documents have been defined thanks to the work of the Central Direction for Sports, technicians and experts of the Federation and the Medical Commission with the help of an external panel of virologists, and all the components of Italian motorsport. In the next few days, a specific document for road-racing will be defined.
An extract of the document follows.
On May 4th, 2020, the Cabinet – Sports Office, defined the Guidelines in art. 1, letter f) and g) of the Decree-Law dated April 26th, 2020, “modalities for training in individual sports”. These guidelines – a revised version of the Report “Sports resume safely” written by CONI in collaboration with the Politecnico di Torino – aim at providing general indications and useful actions to restart individual sports and will have to be specifically implemented for all the disciplines under the hood of the ACI Sporting Federation. The following document describes all the stages of testing and the measures that must be adopted in compliance with what stated in the Guidelines of the Cabinet – Sports Office.
Professional and non-professional athletes recognized by CONI, CIP and Sporting Federation ahead of their participation in the Olympic Games and/or to National/International events. In the meeting held on April 28th, ACI decided that entitled drivers are those holding a sporting licence valid for 2020 and intend to take part in races of a National or International championship.
In circuits (autodromes, karting circuits and mini-tracks) homologated by ACI that respect the following dispositions.
HOW INDIVIDUAL TRAINING/TESTING MUST BE ORGANIZEDIn the following, all the measures to be adopted for individual training/testing are described. All sporting operators (mechanics, engineers, staff) must wear face masks at all times, respect social distances and wear protective gloves. The same safety measures will have to be followed also by drivers outside of the testing session. The number of vehicles allowed simultaneously depending on the homologation Grade of Circuits/Kartodromes based on shifts and sessions defined by Organizers follows:
Grade 1: 25 cars,
Grade 2: 20 cars,
Grade 3: 15 cars,
Grade 4/5/6: 10 cars,
Mini-tracks: 5 cars
Grade A: 25 karts,
Grade B: 20 karts,
Grade C: 15 karts,
Grade D: 10 karts